by guest blogger Kyle Park,
Washington Crossing is the historic area of Pennsylvania where George Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night with a surprise attack on the Hessian troops in 1776. Over the years the grounds have been preserved and protected but lately the organizations that do so have come under hard times. What better way to help save this treasured landmark than to throw a beer festival?
The 1st Washington Crossing Brewfest will take place on Saturday, May 14th from 12:30-4:30 pm and is boasting a pretty impressive list of breweries for their first time out. The event is being sponsored by Friends of Washington Crossing Park and all proceeds from the festival will be going directly towards saving the park and traditions like the reenactment of the crossing of the Delaware on Christmas Day. There will also be some live local music and plenty of food to get you through the afternoon. Here is the list of confirmed breweries…so far:
- Allagash Brewing Company
- Arcadia Ales
- Avery Brewing Company
- Ballast Point Brewing & Spirits
- Bells Brewery, Inc.
- Boulder Beer Company
- Breckenridge Brewery
- BrewDog
- Brooklyn Brewery
- Central Waters Brewing Company
- Cigar City Brewing
- Climax Brewing Company
- Coronado Brewing Company
- Cricket Hill Brewing Company
- Dark Horse Brewing Company
- Dock Street Brewing Company
- Elysian Brewing Company
- Firestone Walker Brewing Company
- Flying Dog
- Flying Fish Brewing Company
- Franziskaner Weissbier
- Great Divide Brewing Company
- Great Lakes Brewing Company
- Gritty McDuff’s
- Harpoon Brewery
- Lagunitas
- Left Hand
- Lindeman’s
- Long Trail Brewing Company
- Nebraska Brewing Company
- Otter Creek Brewing
- Philadelphia Brewing Company
- River Horse
- Samuel Smith
- Sierra Nevada
- Sixpoint Craft Ales
- Sly Fox Brewing Company
- Smuttynose Brewing Company
- Southern Tier Brewing Company
- Spaten Brewery
- Sprecher Brewing Company
- Stone Brewing Company
- Terrapin Beer Company
- Triumph Brewing Company
- Troegs Brewing Company
- 21st Amendment Brewery
- Weyerbacher Brewing Company
- Wolavers
- Yards Brewing Company
- Yuengling Beer Company
That may have been excessive but I’m really impressed when a smaller beer festival has such a far reaching brewery list.
Tickets can be bought online here, Isaac Newton’s in Newtown, or Triumph Brewing Company in New Hope. Regular admission is $40 and designated driver tickets are only $10. The brewfest itself will be held in the upper park behind Thompson Neely House, click here for a map and directions. If you are in the area and need something to do on a May afternoon this event should be on the top of your list.
Check out more beer fun at Kyle’s blog, Hops and Circumstance.