Stop wining

thanksgiving-wine glass

Ah…the wine. Forget arguments over whether to put the mini-marshmallows on the sweet potatoes; lately the real struggle is about which wine to serve at Thanksgiving.

Bring something big, red and cheap? Or a “good” bottle that you really want to sit back and enjoy because – hey, it’s a holiday and you’ve got time to digest.

It’s up to you how to handle the family dynamics…

It’s up to you how to handle the family dynamics, but all other things being equal, bring a red, like a Nouveau, the young first harvest wine which arrives from France the week before Thanksgiving (Timing? Or marketing?).

Le Nouveau Crossing VineyardsOr if you want to try a smaller batch version of a Nouveau (instead of the mass-produced Beaujolais Nouveau), stop by Crossing Vineyards this year and pick up one of their fall favorite Le Nouveau.

Christine Carroll from Crossing also suggests a Pinot Noir, the wine “traditionally acknowledged as ‘the wine’ to pair with turkey and the fixins,” mostly because it can complement all the different tastes at the table (sweet, mild, salty, etc.).

But, she adds, “That’s fine if you like red wine and/or the taste of the Pinot Noir varietal. Many people don’t.” So, her tip – and mine if you’ve got a difficult family – is to have a white wine on hand too.

“My one piece of advice would be to stay away from the oak bombs.”

Chardonnay is great, as is Viognier,” suggests Carroll. “My one piece of advice would be to stay away from the oak bombs. Heavy oak overpowers instead of complementing the savory flavors.”

And my one piece of advice — have one bottle for your wine snobs, and something else for everyone else who couldn’t care less. Keep the peace, by all means!

From both Mark and I, we wish you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving. And, much thanks for all your support and positive feedback this year.

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