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Home in this Wycombe

Finally, we've made our way through the piles of laundry, e-mail and regular mail, restocked the fridge, and have resettled into our cozy home in Wycombe. England, specifically the Cotswolds, was relaxing...

Home Again at the Cross Keys Diner

When the Cross Keys Diner in Doylestown went dark last summer, its regulars were shaken. So abrupt had been the closing, people couldn't help but worry about the owners, Steve Auslander and...

Where everyone knows your name

What is it about walking into a bar or restaurant where they know your name? Am I dating myself, by referring to the old refrain from Cheers? Perhaps. But now that I'm...

Yes, You Can Eat Out on Christmas Eve

I liked this feature in the Intelligencer letting us know what restaurants are open on Christmas Eve. It's by no means comprehensive, but for those of us not visiting families (to celebrate...

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