This post has been updated for 2017. Click here for Fresh Turkeys in Bucks – 2017.
Repeat after me…“I will not buy a frozen supermarket turkey this year.” There. Was that so hard? Especially since we’ve pulled together where you can get fresh, natural turkeys in Bucks County. Not all are raised here (some come from Lancaster County), but they are all fresh and can be picked up just before Thanksgiving.
Here’s an alphabetical list of markets, farms and producers where you can get the birds, along with key information. I apologize if I have omitted a good source. Be sure to let me know, and I’ll add them to the list. Also, keep Christmas in mind too, since most of these suppliers also have turkeys for the December holidays.
Birchwood Farms (Newtown/Upper Makefield)
428 Brownsburg Rd.
Newtown, PA 18940
Store Hours M-F 10-6 Sat 9-4
Turkeys are “Heritage” turkeys, organically-raised (but not certified), antibiotic-free, and pastured on a small Pennsylvania farm. The birds will weigh between 10-18 lbs. Price: $5.29 / lb. A $25 deposit per bird must accompany the order. The turkeys will be harvested on November 20 with a store pick-up starting date of November 23. Quantities are limited. You may place orders over the phone with a credit card deposit or in person at the store. When ordering, customers may request smaller or larger birds. Exact weights will not be known until harvest.
Bolton’s Farm Market (Silverdale)
Route 113
Silverdale, PA
Store hours: Mon – Fri 9:30-6, Sat 9:30-5
Thanksgiving Week: Mon 9-6, Tues 8-7, Weds 7-5, closed T’giving Day
Turkeys are fresh, all natural, raised on Bolton’s farm, no hormones or antibiotics, fed no animal by-products, and raised in large pens. The smallest birds are 10-12 lbs, the largest are 38-40 lbs. Price: $2.49/lb. Call or stop by the store to order, at least 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. Pick-up is at the store the Tuesday or Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Ely’s Farm Products (Newtown/Upper Makefield)
401 Woodhill Rd., Newtown, PA 18940
Store Hours: Thurs 9-5, Fri 9-5, Sat 9-2
Thanksgiving Week: Wed
Fresh, all natural turkeys, weighing between 12-14 lbs. at the smallest, 30 lbs. at the largest. Wasn’t sure on price when we called. Can call or stop in at the store to order, for pick up on the day before Thanksgiving. Can order up until Thanksgiving week but could run out of the size you want, so order as early as possible.
Fairview Farm (Pineville)
831 Pineville Road
Pineville 18946
Turkeys are fresh, from a family farm near Lancaster (they’ve gotten them there for about 20 years), raised in large barns, commercial feed, no antibiotics. The smaller birds are 10-12 lbs, the largest are 30 lbs. Price: $2.19 / lb. Call or stop in to the market to order, at least one week before Thanksgiving, earlier if you want a 25 lb. or larger bird. Pick up at the market on the Tuesday or Wednesday before the holiday.
The Happy Farm (Kintersville)
1911 Gallows Hill Rd.
Kintnersville, PA 18930
Contact: Tom Colbaugh
Raised outside on pasture, fed synthetic-free, GMO-free, grain and roasted soy, with natural supplements and probiotics. No synthetic fertilizers or pesticides used on the farm. No antibiotics or hormones fed. Birds will probably weigh 15 – 25 lbs. this year, says Tom, noting that they will take a weight range preference and match it as closely as possible, but since they butcher fresh for Thanksgiving the final weights are a bit hard to control. Price: $3.50/lb, orders with a $20 deposit. Still have availability, but probably will sell out by mid November. Pick up is at the Happy Farm in Kintersville on the Saturday, Sunday, or Monday before Thanksgiving. The Happy Farm also raises ducks, so keep that in mind for Christmas and New Year’s too.
Haring Brothers (Doylestown/Danboro)
5484 Haring Rd
Doylestown, PA 18902-9132
Turkeys are fresh, antibiotic/steroid-free, from a farm in Lancaster County. Birds are available from 12 lbs up to 30 lbs at $2.09 / lb. Call or stop by the store to order by November 10. Pick up at the store the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Maximuck’s Farm Market
5793 Long Lane Road
Doylestown 18902
Store Hours: Tue-Sat 10 am – 5 pm. Sun 10 am – 4 pm.
Fresh turkeys from a Lancaster family farm located near Leola. Antibiotic-free. Turkeys are available from around 10 to 30 pounds at $2.69 per pound. Taking orders until the weekend before thanksgiving. Turkeys will be available for pickup the Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
None Such Farm Market (Buckingham)
Rt. 263 (York Road), ¼ mile south of Rt. 413
4458 York Road, Buckingham, PA 18912
Free range, organic, hormone and antibiotic-free. Available in the following sizes: 10-12 lb.,12-14 lbs.,14-16 lbs.,16-18 lbs.,18-20 lbs., or 20-21lbs. Price: $3.69 / lb. Call the Meat Shop & Deli at the market at (215) 794-5201, ext. 1 . Order by Friday November 20. Pick up at the store the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Purely Farm Organically Pastured Meats (Pipersville)
55 B Municipal Road
Pipersville, PA 18947
Joanna and Marc Michini also raise pastured, all natural turkeys in addition to pork and chicken, but unfortunately they are sold out for this Thanksgiving. Catch them next year, and find them at area farm markets during the season.
[…] autumn vegetables, local premium wines, cheese, and meats. Check out my recent post on where to find fresh turkeys in Bucks. We’ll also write about pairing local wines with local food and interesting holiday dishes […]
[…] a locally “grown” turkey. Here’s my post from last year on where you can get a local turkey. I will probably update it, but it’s a good […]
[…] Speaking of Thanksgiving…if you want a free range, local turkey, better put your order in soon with area producers. See our post from last year on who to contact for a local turkey. Click here: Gobble, gobble…where to get fresh turkeys. […]
[…] with area producers. See our post from last year on who to contact for a local turkey. Click here: Gobble, gobble…where to get fresh turkeys. And if you don’t want to cook it, take a look at our post from last year on Going out for […]
Thank you so much for this excellent reference, for which we are grateful indeed.