This post has been updated for 2017. Click here for Fresh Turkeys in Bucks – 2017.
Tired of those nasty frozen supermarket turkeys? Here’s a list of local farms, markets and caterers that can get a fresh turkey on your table this Thanksgiving. Many also offer sides and other full meal options.
How much turkey should you order? A good rule of thumb is 1 pound per person (remember there are bones and such which add to the overall weight of the bird). This will give you some leftovers. If you want a lot of leftovers then plan on 1 ½ pounds per person.
This is an alphabetical list of markets, farms and producers where you can get the birds, along with key information. I apologize if I have omitted a good source. Be sure to let me know, and I’ll add them to the list. Also, keep Christmas in mind too, since most of these suppliers also have turkeys for the December holidays.
For where you can get fresh turkeys…
812 N. Easton Rd Doylestown, PA 18901 – 215.489.8889
85 N. York Rd Warminster, PA 18974 – 215.672.5439
Fresh, local farm-raised turkeys by Loag’s Corner Turkey Farm. Place order by November 14.
Bolton’s Farm Market (Silverdale)
Route 113
Silverdale, PA
Store hours: Mon – Fri 9:30-6, Sat 9:30-5
Thanksgiving Week: Mon 9-6, Tues 8-7 (try to stay away from 10 to 2), Weds 7-5 (ditto), closed Thanksgiving Day
Turkeys are fresh, all natural, raised on Bolton’s farm [editor’s note: one of only two farms raising turkeys in Bucks County], no hormones or antibiotics, fed no animal by-products, and raised in large pens. The smallest birds are 10-12 lbs, the largest are approximately 38-40 lbs. Price: $3.09/lb. Call or stop by the store to order, at least 2 weeks before Thanksgiving – do not leave a message; wait to speak to someone. Pick-up is at the store the Tuesday or Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Cash or personal checks only. YOUR TURKEY MUST BE ORDERED AHEAD and will be waiting for you!
Doylestown Food Co-op
29 West State Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Turkeys will be coming from Lancaster Farm Fresh, a non-profit organic farmers’ co-op. They are pastured, organic and local birds, approximately 17 lbs in size. The Turkeys are priced at $5.99/lb. To guarantee your turkey, place orders at the Doylestown Food Co-op by Wednesday, November 12.
Ely’s Farm Products (Newtown/Upper Makefield)
401 Woodhill Rd., Newtown, PA 18940
Store Hours: Thurs 9-5, Fri 9-5, Sat 9-2
Thanksgiving Week: Wednesday
Fresh, all natural Pennsylvania turkeys, priced at $3.19/lb. Can call or stop in at the store to order. Pick up is on Wednesday, November 27 from 9 am – 5 pm. Can order up until Thanksgiving week but could run out of the size you want, so order as early as possible. Also have available: sausage (for stuffing), cranberry sauce, specialty bologna, and award-winning artisanal cheeses (made on the farm!).
Fairview Farm (Pineville)
831 Pineville Road
Pineville, PA 18946
Turkeys are fresh, from a family farm near Lancaster (they’ve gotten them there for about 20 years), raised in large barns, commercial feed, no antibiotics, no animal by-products in feed. The smaller birds are 10-12 lbs, the largest are 30 lbs. Price: $2.75/ lb. Call or stop in to the market to order by November 20, earlier if you want a 25 lb. or larger bird. Pick up at the market on the Tuesday (9:30 am – 6 pm) or Wednesday (9:30 am – 3 pm) before the holiday.
Gross’ Gourmet Foods (Doylestown)
266 South Main Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Turkeys are from the one and only Theodore Gross. The turkeys are priced at $2.50 /lb for a fresh kill turkey. Deadline to order is the Friday before Thanksgiving, November 21.
Haring Brothers (Doylestown/Danboro)
5484 Haring Rd
Doylestown, PA 18902
Certified humane-raised, hormone and steroid free turkeys from Sensenig Turkey Farm in Lancaster County. Birds are available from 10 lbs. up to 32 lbs. at $2.99 / lb. Call or stop by the store to order. Ordering two weeks in advance is strongly recommended, so try and place your order by November 13. After that date, still give them a call—they may still be able to accommodate your order. Pick up at the store the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before Thanksgiving (also available the weekend before).
Heller’s Seafood
1380 Easton Road
Warrington Pa, 18976
Yes. Heller’s Seafood. Who’d thunk it? Turns out they’ve been selling fresh, free range turkeys from a Lancaster farm for 25 years. Birds will be 10-12 lbs. up to 30+ lbs. at $3.29/lb. Please place orders one week in advance, by November 20. Also, don’t miss their oyster stuffing for $8.99/lb.
Jamie Hollander Gourmet Foods
409 West Bridge Street
New Hope, PA 18938
In addition to making wonderful Thanksgiving “take away” dinners, you can also get a fresh turkey from Jamie Hollander. They get their turkeys from the third-generation Koch’s Farm in Tamaqua, PA. They are not only all-natural (vegetarian-fed, no hormones or antibiotics) but also Certified Humane®, which means the farm must meet rigorous standards for the humane treatment of their animals. Turkeys are $5.50/lb. and come already brined (!). Whole turkeys come in small, medium and large. Small (12-16 lbs.) serves 6-10 people, medium (16-20 lbs.) serves 10-14, and large (20+lbs) serves 14+. Orders are due by 7pm on Friday, November 21 for pick-up by Wednesday November 26.
Kimberton Whole Foods
239 Durham Road
Ottsville, PA 18942
Whole Turkeys from Koch’s Turkey Farm in Tamaqua and Bell & Evans Turkey Farm in Fredericksburg are available in a few different varieties and from 12 to 24 lbs. Koch’s Organic Turkey is priced at $4.99/lb, and their Natural Turkey is priced at $3.29/lb. Bell & Evans Organic Turkey is $4.99/lb.
Maximuck’s Farm Market (Doylestown)
5793 Long Lane Road
Doylestown, PA 18902
Store Hours: Tue-Sat 10 am – 5 pm. Sun 10 am – 4 pm.
Fresh turkeys from a Lancaster family farm located near Leola. Antibiotic-free. Turkeys are available from around 15 to 30 pounds. Price: $3.09/lb. for turkeys, $4.09/lb. for just breast. Taking orders until November 18. Turkeys will be available for pickup the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

Necessity Farms & Dairy (Telford)
202 Green Hill Road
Telford, Pa 18969
Free-range, no antibiotics, no hormones, no animal by products, “all natural” Pennsylvania turkeys ranging in size from 10-12 lbs to 30 lbs. Please place orders by November 15 by email: necessityfarmsanddairy@gmail.com.
None Such Farm Market (Buckingham)
Rt. 263 (York Road), ¼ mile south of Rt. 413
4458 York Road, Buckingham, PA 18912
Free range, “all natural,” hormone and antibiotic-free turkeys from Sensenig Turkey Farm in Lititz, PA. Whole turkeys available in 12 weight ranges from 10 lbs. to 34 lbs. (in 2 lb. increments) Price: $3.79/lb. Bone-in turkey breast also available for 4-6 lbs. all the way up to 14-16 lbs. at $4.39/lb. Boneless turkey breast, rolled and tied, at 4-5 lbs. each are available at $6.89/lb. Call the Meat Shop & Deli at the market at 215.794.5201, ext. 1 . They will start taking orders on November 3 up until November 17. Pick up at the store the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Organnon’s Natural Market
591 Durham Road
Wrightstown, PA 18940
Organnon’s is offering Koch’s Turkey Farm’s fresh Turkeys ranging from 8 to 30 lbs in size. They come in three varieties: All Natural at $3.59/lb, Heirloom Bronze at $4.59/lb, and Organic at $5.89/lb. Place orders by November 11.
Purely Farm’s Pasture-Raised Meats (Pipersville)
55 B Municipal Road
Pipersville, PA 18947
Joanna and Marc Michini raise pastured, all natural turkeys (in addition to pork and chicken), average between 16 and 29 pounds, at $5.44/lb. [Editor’s note: one of only two farms raising turkeys in Bucks County.] Due to their limited supply they recommend reserving a Thanksgiving bird as soon as possible. To reserve a turkey mail a non-refundable deposit of $40 payable to Joanna Michini, or drop the deposit off at the farm. There is a designated drop box beside their mail box. If a specific size is desired, please come early on pick-up day. Pick-up will be Tuesday, November 25 from 1 to 8 pm. Feel free to contact them with any questions at 215.317.0889.
Snipes Farm & Education Center
890 W Bridge Street
Morrisville, PA 19067
215.295.1139 x 102
Snipes, the third farm to raise turkeys in Bucks County, is selling their own turkeys raised on the farm. The turkeys “roam free, able to eat bugs and pasture grasses as they please” and have been given a feed that is free from genetically modified organisms, pesticides, medications and soy. The size of the turkeys will vary from 16 – 30 lbs. and will be first come-first serve so if there is a specific size you need be sure to come early. Price is $5.10/lb. The turkeys will be distributed FRESH on Tuesday, November 25 from 2 – 6pm. Snipes asks for a $50 deposit to reserve the turkey. Questions? Contact Toria Harr at tharr@coa.edu.
Here’s a fun Thanksgiving Turkey poem from Marc Michini of Purely Farm’s Pasture-Raised Meats.
Leaves-a-change, winds-a-blow, temperature slipping low.
Turkey time, is here at last, let friends and family know.Though plenty pasture as we speak, we’re sure they’ll fly away.
First-come, first-serve is how we plan for Purely Turkey Day.Prepare to feast, prepare for joy, Thanksgiving Day is near.
No need to worry, deposit in, relax, you’re in the clear.Once received, your forty bucks, reserves one bird for you.
If specific size required some things you’ll want to do.Don’t be late on the pick-up date, be towards the front of the line.
Either way, we’ll do our best to have you feeling fine.Small birds are cute, big birds are fun, we long for what’s in store.
Sustainable and pasture-raised, who could ask for anything more?Processed here, right on the farm, fresh turkey love for you.
Organically fed, this bird will rock, your whole entire crew.Cook by temp, not by time, and all will be amazed.
Glossy eyed, bellies full, Purely Turkey Crazed!
[…] Note: This post has been updated for 2014. Click here to get fresh turkeys in Bucks. […]
Thank you for this very informative and helpful article. It is also a huge timesaver. Thank you again and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you!
You’re welcome, Joanne! And a very happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
[…] already done so, order your fresh turkey soon—see where to find a locally-raised turkey here: Fresh turkeys in Bucks – […]