There is so much going on food-wise in Bucks County that almost from the beginning we started doing posts on where to find stuff – everything from meat, ice cream, BYOBs, breakfast, bars, BBQ, lunch places and even, waterside restaurants. These articles have been real favorites among our readers and continue to get “hits” years after they were published (don’t worry – we update them).
Breakfast in Bucks provides a pretty comprehensive list of where to eat breakfast in the county, along with a story about one or two of our favorites. See also, Breakfast in Bucks: Fred’s Breakfast for an article about the famous New Hope breakfast club.
Where’s the beef? And pork, and lamb, and chicken… provides the places where you can buy meat in Bucks, either from an old country butcher or directly from the farm.
One of our favorites is the series Mark has done on Bars We Like, and there are a bunch. Read his criteria and the places we like to frequent in Bars We Like – Part 1 and Bars We Like – Part 2 . A new post will be coming soon (I’m assured).
Not to be outdone by breakfast, Lunch in Bucks gives a great listing of good lunch places from Upper Bucks to Lower. Where’s your favorite?
BYOBs in Bucks. Restaurants that allow you to “bring your own” are very popular here in Bucks County. We decided to create a map of all the BYOBs in the county. Grab a bottle and find a new one!
It may still be a little chilly for ice cream, but it’s important to plan ahead, no? Here’s Let’s go for ice cream, a list of all the sweet places in the county to get a cone and hang out, from small batch artisanal to plain ole custard.
Now here’s a list I know is missing a few places – I’ll admit it – but we just haven’t had time to do the research the way it should be done. That said, it’s a pretty good list of where to find BBQ around here. I wrote it a couple of years ago around Superbowl time – Superbowl BBQ.
Finally, here’s a post based on Zagat’s rating of waterside dining in Bucks. It’s been a very well read piece – Zagat’s 10 Best Waterside Restaurants. Soon it will be warm enough to sit outside!
Would love to be on your list for postings.