Updated 2/21/17
I decided several years ago that Bucks County folks needed to know where to go to get good meat—locally. Not from a supermarket, but from some of the great butchers and farms right here. So here is a post on where you can find locally raised, locally butchered good meat. Click on the links to go to their web sites for more information.
Retail stores
Included on this list are stores that come recommended, by us or by others. That said, this is not a “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval” or anything. Some sell organic, antibiotic-free, hormone-free, pastured and local meats. Some don’t. I put everything out there. You make the choice. But these places do have a following. I’ve also noted, when I know for sure, if they sell fresh versus frozen. I haven’t mentioned supermarkets for obvious reasons although I will say that Wegmans (Warrington) can be a good source for organic and antibiotic-free, hormone-free meats, as well as Organnons.
From Lower to Upper Bucks and then some…
- Aaron’s Country Meats (Newtown Farmers Market). Beef, pork, sausage. Fresh.
- Gerome’s Sausage (Levittown). Homemade sausage (over 20 varieties), NO additives, preservatives or fillers. Fresh.
- Zook’s BBQ Barn (Newtown Farmers Market) Poultry raised “all natural.” Fresh.
- Ely’s Pork Products (Newtown). Beef, pork, poultry, lamb and veal all raised on their farm. Also make sausage and excellent artisanal cheese. Fresh.
- Birchwood Farms (Upper Makefield/Newtown). Raw organic dairy store selling own grass-only-fed beef, pork, veal, pastured eggs, bison, and lamb. Frozen.
- Tanner Bros. (Ivyland). Own Angus beef, raised on the farm. Frozen.
- Old World Sausage Factory (Hatboro). Over 30 varieties of artisan sausage, ham, bacon and smoked sausages. Sausage has no BHA, BHT, fillers, binders, preservatives or MSG.
- None Such Farm Market (Buckingham). Their beef is raised on their farm across the street, pastured mostly but also fed grain grown on the farm. No hormones or antibiotics. Good chicken and pork too. Full service butcher shop. Mostly fresh, some frozen.
- Maximuck’s (Doylestown). Own beef, raised on the farm. Frozen. No hormones.
- Haring Brothers (Danboro). One of our favorites. Full service butcher shop. Fresh and frozen. “Whenever possible, we buy our fresh meat and vegetables from local farmers, including agricultural students at Delaware Valley College.”
- Bolton’s Farm Market (Silverdale). Own turkey, chicken, beef, all grown “naturally and additive free.” Fresh.
- Blooming Glen Pork & Catering (Blooming Glen). Pork products processed on site, including smoked meats. Full service butcher shop. Big Bob’s BBQ stand on Saturdays during spring, summer and fall. Fresh.
- Baringer Bros. Meats (Richlandtown). Full service butcher shop. “Home raised, grain fed” meat. Fresh and home smoked meats.
- Frigid Freeze Country Butcher & Deli (Riegelsville) Butcher shop. Beef, pork, sausage, seafood. Own raised sides of beef and pork.
- Saylor’s and Company (Hellertown). Butcher and italian market with fresh meats and smoked products.
Want to do a tour of “Meat Alley”? See our guide and map HERE.
These are farmers raising livestock in Bucks County for sale. You can buy directly from them at local farmers’ markets, online or by phone order. Where a website is not available, I link to the Penn State Cooperative Extension list of Bucks County farms and markets.
- Backyard Bison (Coopersburg). American Plains buffalo raised “on pasture as much as possible” without use of hormones, steroids, or antibiotics, USDA inspected. Sold from own farm store.
- Beech Tree Farm (New Hope). Beef and Pork (halves wrapped to order). Ground beef by the pound, fresh eggs. PH: 215.345.4056 or 215.794.5054
- Durham Glen Farm (Pipersville). Pastured lamb, duck.raised in humane conditions, free range brown eggs and fresh produce. Sustainable farming practices.
- Hershberger Heritage Farm (Sellersville). Bucks County’s only source for Certified Organic meat. Chicken, turkey, eggs, lamb, pork and beef. All livestock is pastured raised on Certified Organic pastures. Phone: 215.500.7301, or email: HershbergerHeritageFarm@gmail.com. Also on Facebook at: Hershberger Heritage Farm. Read our post about Hershberger’s here.
- Hillside Farms (Telford). American bison. Sold from own farm store.
- Homestead Hog Farm (Sellersville). Custom ordered beef, pork, and whole chickens.
- Kerales Farm (Quakertown). Pasture-raised lamb, free range chicken eggs.
- Meadow Brook Farms (Springtown). Free-range, vegetarian-fed and grass-finished Black Angus beef. Raised without antibiotics or added hormones. Available frozen at their farm store, Tabora Farm Market and Rick’s Eggs.
- Milk House Farm Market (Newtown) Chicken and duck, pasture-raised and fed organic feed.
- Naturally @ Holben Valley Farm (New Tripoli) Although this producer of grass-fed and pasture-raised Black Angus beef is not in Bucks, they come to the Wrightstown and Doylestown Farmers’ Markets each week. No antibiotics or growth hormones. Frozen.
- Necessity Farms & Dairy (Telford). Pastured beef, grass fed lamb, and pastured pork; raw milk from grass fed cows; free range chicken; free range soy free, corn free, non-gmo eggs; fresh sausages; smoked meats such as turkey breast, chicken, and a variety of smoked sausages.
- Purely Farm’s Pastured Meats (Bedminster). Pastured turkey, pork and lamb (in season). Reach Marc and Joanna at 215.317.0889 or email at purelyfarm@gmail.com, or at the Wrightstown Farmers’ Markets or Easton Farmers’ Market.
- Shady Fox Farm (Doylestown) Free range chicken and turkey, grass-fed beef, pork. All free of antibiotics, steroids, or hormones.
- Sunnyslope Farm (New Hope). Grass-fed beef. Phone: 215.598.7838, or email: sunnyslopepa@aol.com.
- Tohickon Meadows Farm (Ottsville). Freezer beef, feeder cattle, lambs, Call for more info: 215.795.2385
- Tussock Sedge Farm (Blooming Glen). Pastured, (completely) grass-fed beef, no antibiotics or hormones. Order online.
- Windy Spring Farm (Quakertown). Beef by the half for freezer. Phone: 215.536.8624
This post was updated on 2/21/17
You call that a quickie post!? Looks like a fantastic resource list to me, thanks for sharing the knowledge!
[…] Comments « Where’s the beef? And pork, and lamb, and chicken… […]
I agree – this is a comprehensive list that will really help the next time we are looking to barbecue a delicious cut of meat! Thanks – great post!
[…] Speaking of marinades, Betty Cichy wrote a great piece (here’s page 1,and page 2) in the Bucks County Courier Times / Intelligencer a few weeks ago on marinating. And here are a couple of easy steak marinades from Cook’s Illustrated. Great Bucks County beef and a delicious marinade are a marriage made in heaven. Both are enough to marinate 4-6 individual steaks or one 2-pound steak. To find out where to get your meat in Bucks, see our recent post, “Where’s the beef? And pork, and lamb, and chicken…” […]
[…] Of course, it will be perfect cookout weather. Want to know where to get good, local meat in Bucks County? Check out our previous post, Where’s the beef? (and pork, and lamb, and chicken). […]
[…] seafood for the grill, check out some of our past articles. For where to find local meat, look at Where’s the beef? And pork, and lamb, and chicken… How about some nice seafood for the grill? Check out Fresh Seafood in Stockton…and Bucks. […]
[…] At the Yardley Inn they grind their beef fresh for burgers and meatloaf daily. The blend currently consists of chuck, sirloin, and brisket, all from grass-fed, hormone-free, and antibiotic-free sources. The health and satisfaction of all guests remain key focal points for the Yardley Inn. Each year in business brings along exciting advances in procuring fresh, flavorful ingredients and support for local agriculture in Bucks County and surrounding areas. (For sources of locally raised grass-fed beef and pastured pork see this post.) […]
[…] to open up the grill on Memorial Day? Check out our post, Where’s the beef? And pork, and lamb, and chicken. It lists all the butchers, farms and stores where you can buy great meat in Bucks County. Go get a […]
This is a great post — thanks. As a longtime Newtown resident I’m quite familiar with a few of these. All that I can add is that if you are looking to know exactly where your meat/dairy is coming from and how it was raised, Birchwood Farms is great. They can give you a treatise on raw milk, should you so desire. On the other hand, bear in mind that while lots of people like Ely’s Farm Products and Aaron’s Country Meats, neither necessarily knows how the livestock are raised or where their products even come from. Surprisingly even the pork products at Ely’s do not necessarily come from their hogs.
Yes, you’re absolutely right, Kelly. It’s good to know where your meat is coming from and how it was raised. But since not everyone has reached that point yet (!) I publish it all – and then publish stories about the people who are raising the animals well, like Purely Farm, Birchwood Farm, Tussock Sedge and others. Thanks for your comment.
[…] Bucks County has it all. If you are a carnivore, see our post about where to buy meats in Bucks (Where’s the beef? And pork, and lamb, and chicken…). Don’t forget our local farmers’ markets that usually have local grass-fed and […]
Lynne, I think you are reading more into my comment than I intended. I am merely clarifying that, for example, although the article states “Beef, pork, poultry, lamb and veal all raised on their farm” for Ely’s, in fact many of those products do not come from their farm. I agree that many people don’t care where their animal products come from, but some do. I have nothing against any of these local businesses that source their products (in part or in whole) from other farms, other states, etc., but they shouldn’t get credit for being a local producer if that is not the case.
Don’t forget “Frigid Freeze” in Upper Bucks. They are seriously worth the ride up there.
Thanks, Jerry! I’ll add them.
went to Birchwood farms today, they don’t have bison, their chicken meat is not their own, just so everyone knows
Thanks for the update, Ginny. I’ll fix the post.
Illgs has retired I am sorry to say!
Yes, we know. Thanks for the reminder to update the post!
[…] There’s plenty more meat in Bucks County besides this little road trip. See our post, Where’s the beef? And pork, and lamb, and chicken… for a full listing of butchers, markets and farms in Bucks […]
Unfortunately, Maresca’s in Sergeantsville is closed. Building is for sale.
Missing Illig’s German lunch meat and wursts. Is anyone out there filling the void.
Too bad. But bound to happen due to age. Thanks for the update.
Unfortunately, I don’t. Let me know if you find someone. I tried to do an interview before they closed to find out where their staff was going, so maybe we could look for them in other places but they were not responsive.
any place you can find pheasant?
Just saw this for the first time…Wow! Knew about some of them, but Gerome’s is just down the road and I’d never even seen it. Hopped in the car, got two kinds (and some cheese), and made dinner: EXCELLENT! I’m pretty picky on sausage, and this stuff is great. Thanks!
By the way, Amy/Lynne, I’ve filled the Illg’s void with Rieker’s Deli in Fox Chase. Actually a shorter drive for me in Langhorne than Illg’s was, and the benefit of having the excellent Hop Angel restaurant and beer bar across the street!
So glad you “found” Gerome’s! I need to do a sausage run soon. And we’ll have to look into Rieker’s and the Hop Angel. We have friends in Huntingdon Valley and it sounds like a good excuse to go see them. We’re also big fans of yours, reading you in Whisky Advocate. Thanks for all the good work you do.
That’s a hard one. No, I haven’t heard of anywhere that does. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.
Thank you!!!! I’ve been searching for ways NOT to be poisoned by our elected officials
[…] our post, Where’s the beef? And pork, and lamb, and chicken…, for where you can find locally raised […]
Dont forget to put Boltons on your producer list. We raise ALL our own chickens, beef and turkeys!
You’re on there, Torrie. Not to worry! And your on this post as well: http://bucksctynew.wpengine.com/farmmarkets/fall-foodie-road-trip-2-meat-alley/
Marrow Bones From Grass-fed Beef?
Does anyone know where to purchase these in 20-30 pound bulk?
I would contact the following folks: None Such Farm (Buckingham), Tussock Sedge Farm (Blooming Glen), Birchwood Farms (Upper Makefield), Holben Valley Farm (at Wrightstown Farmers Market every Sat morning). Hope this helps. Let me know how it goes.
[…] the summer is over, you’ve got to have your own BBQ night. Grab some local beef (or produce if meat’s not your thing) and grill the night […]
[…] Want to know where to get pasture-raised meat in Bucks County? See our post, Where’s the beef? And pork, and lamb, and chicken… […]
[…] the meat? We have a lot of good meat here in Bucks County. Farmers who raise animals on pasture, old-fashioned butchers, Amish markets and more. Our post, […]
[…] for New Year’s Eve from Haring Brothers, just north of Doylestown. Are you ready? See our list of where you can purchase good meat, including pasture-raised beef, pork and chicken, in Bucks County. We’ll also be stopping by […]
[…] Pack 2017 with protein. If exercising is part of your New Year’s resolutions, then you’ll probably want some protein before a tough workout. For our meat-lover friends, Bucks County has plenty of markets where you can pick up locally-butchered, locally-raised beef, chicken, pork and lamb. Here are some places to get you started, and you can check out our full local meat post here. […]
[…] our post, Where’s the beef? And pork, and lamb, and chicken…, for where you can find locally raised […]
[…] the summer is over, you’ve got to have your own BBQ night. Grab some local beef (or produce if meat’s not your thing) and grill the night […]