Rich Baringer, guest Bucks County Taste blogger and personal chef, has come up with a truly inspired Valentine’s Day gift idea in his latest newsletter. Even I, who prefer jewelry to almost any other gift, thought this was a “gem.” Not to be sexist, this is a great gift idea for either partner, and one BOTH can appreciate.
Jewelry? Flowers? Those are nice, but come on. Flowers die and let’s be honest, you don’t really want to go shopping for diamonds, do you? Now, we all know how true it is that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. But did you know that you could find your way to HER heart and feed yourself at the same time?
Think how happy she’d be if you showed her a freezer full of delicious, custom-made dinners for Valentine’s Day? Show your appreciation for all that she does by giving her some time to herself. Since she won’t have to plan, shop, or cook dinner, she’ll have lots of time to do the things that she wants to do. What better way to make Valentine’s Day extra special?
Rich would be happy to discuss menu options and packages with you. You can contact him at 215.804.6438, richmb@netcarrier.com, or his Web site, www.MyChefSite.com/DinnersDonePA.